FIELD TESTS and MORTAR MIXES: for our Built Heritage

Workshop hosted by Building Limes Forum Ireland Thursday 5th May 2016  Drimnagh Castle, Dublin 12
Click here to view Brochure for this event: BLFI-Mortar-Mixes-Testing-Workshop

The workshop will be of interest to those specifying or working with mortars for the repair of buildings.  It will benefit the architect/mason making the transition into working on heritage structures and serve as an update for those already working in conservation but who may not have used Hot-mixes and earth mortars. It will also be a forum for those wishing to share their understanding of pozzolans and other aids to carbonation and how to test in the field.
Participants should go away knowing
•    how to interpret an existing mortar
•    how to specify a good repair mortar
•    the importance of understanding the materials
•    how pozzolans enhance hydraulic set
•    how to carry out field tests on their projects
Activities will be lead by a team of specifiers and practitioners including  Chris Pennock, Mason Nirados Cathedral Norway; Pat McAfee stonemason  and Engineers:- Lisa Edden; Ivor McElveen and
James Powell
9.45 am Registration + tea and coffee Undercroft
10.15 am  Welcome and Introduction + Health and Safety Great Hall  Lisa Edden
10.30 am Nidaros Cathedral, Norway - the experience of testing and using lime mortars in a cold climate
Great Hall: Chris Pennock
11.00 am A look at the materials- Materials-quicklime, NHLs, earth, aggregates, pozzolans and other additives that enhance carbonation
Courtyard Pat McAfee with Chris Pennock
11. 30 am Visual assessment and recognition of extant late medieval to early 20th century mortars. Recognition of hot-mix lime mortars, earth mortars stabilised earth mortars, cementitious mortars and aggregates
Castle grounds: Pat McAfee and Lisa Edden
12.00 pm Selection, batching, mixing and making mortars  Including lime and sand characteristics
Courtyard Pat McAfee & Chris Pennock
12.30 pm Lunch
Undercroft: Pat McAfee & Chris Pennock
1.15 pm As before Selection, batching, mixing and making mortars and understanding characteristics of constituent parts
2.15 pm Field tests for constituent materials and the repair mortars  Recording mix details and placement for long term assessment
Courtyard Great Hall: James Powell
3.15 pm  Summary, questions and answers
3.30 pm Finish
Book your place on€60 for BLFI members / €120 for non-members (which buys BLFI membership for 2016).      Discount for students €30 + €30 membership. CPD recognition being sort and pending from RIAI + Engineers Ireland + CIF Heritage Contractors